San Francisco to Vancouver Island in Gus

We packed Gus the Bus, loaded up Milly and the Boogdog, and headed north. We didn't have an agenda or any set stops. Our plan was just to head north, camping along the way, until Gus died or we had to turn around so that I could make it back to work at the end of my maternity leave. Fortunately, and miraculously, Gus didn't die. In fact, he ran like a champ. We cruised up the California and Oregon coasts, through Washington's Olympic Peninsula and then jumped on a ferry over to the gorgeous Vancouver Island. Van life is pretty darn great - lots of playing outside, new and beautiful things each day, and quality hang time with the ones you love.  It's also a great reminder of how little you actually need. All of our stuff for 2+ weeks fit in Gus's cabinets, and even that ended up being more than we needed. It was a magical trip filled dirty bare feet, coastal air, Talking Heads on heavy rotation, the sound of wind through pine needles, watching Boogs run like a wild beast on wide open beaches and trails, nap time with Milly, local brews, and winding roads. 

Gus the Bus | Bodega, CA

Matt and I recently purchased a 1987 Volkswagen Westfalia camper, Gus the Bus. The van has needed a wee bit more work than anticipated but is hopefully on the road to recovery after years of neglect. This weekend we took Gus for his maiden voyage up to Bodega, CA (actually, we attempted his maiden voyage to Ojai a few weeks ago but he crapped out about an hour into the trip and went back to the shop for further repairs). Aside from getting stuck in the mud and having to get towed out by the lovely owner of the ranch where we stayed, the trip was a success.  Fingers crossed for many fun and mechanically uneventful adventures's a couple shots I snapped in between the rain showers.