Portrait Project 2016

At long last, and just under the wire, I give you Portrait Project 2016. Making the rounds this year was more challenging and rushed than previous years due to a wee beast I now have at home and love to spend every free second staring at. But come hell or high water, I was not going to let 2016 come and go without capturing this third year of portraits. I played with light, with aperture, with composition, with lenses and opted for black and white. I began this project to force myself to continue experimenting, learning, and embracing mistakes.  I experimented, I learned, and I'm trying to embrace the mistakes.

It's been a hell of a year, both good and bad. It came, it went, and on to 2017 we go. I continue cherishing these faces, these families, and for them keep fighting the good fight as best I can. 

Art + Jenna | Oz Farm

I've somewhat retired from wedding photography but couldn't pass up the opportunity to shoot some portraits and the ceremony of two amazing friends, Art and Jenna. Their wedding was light-hearted, full-hearted, and deeply from the heart all at the same time. The group of people they brought together for the weekend exuded these qualities, a testament to how rad Art and Jenna are. The fun took place at the magical Oz Farm near Point Arena. I was unbelievably stoked to be a part of the celebration and honored to shoot some of the images. Many congrats to Art and Jenna. I love you both like crazy.